DIY: Ombre Shorts

Friday, May 25, 2012 § 0

- Pants (can cut into shorts) or just shorts
- scissors (to cut pants)
- Lace (Optional) to add design
- Pocket Knife (optional to make cuts in jeans)
- Thread and Needle

How To:
1.) With jeans, you want to measure how short you them to be. (Leave an inch just in case you mess up)
2.) Pour bleach into a bowl (You want it to be a big/deep bowl that way when you put the jeans in, the bleach does not spill all over the place)
3.) Put the bottom half of the pants/shorts into the bleach
4.) Live it in there until it starts changing color. (It should turn out to become a bit faded and white)
5.) After that, slowly take it out little by little to have that Ombre (example link) effect.
6.) After you get it how you want it, leave it in the sun to dry

Now that you have your ombre shorts/jeans, this part will be optional if you want some cute designs on it.
- Turn to the back of your jeans so that you're looking at the pockets.
- Grab the lace fabric and measure the back pockets so you can just sew it on top
- Cut out the lace (Make sure to leave half an inch on all sides to where you sew just in case it's too small)
- Grab the thread (Whatever color your lace will be) and start sewing the outline of the pockets
- When finished with that, cut all excess off and make sure your stitches are really tight because you don't want the lace fabric to fall off when you wash them.

You can have that ripped up jeans/shorts effect if you would like.
- Grab a big piece of card board and put it underneath the jean so that when you start making your cuts, you won't make cuts on the other side of the jeans.
- Get your knife and start making your cuts. (This is where you get creative and put it anywhere you'd like)
- Make you're scrapping the knife horizontally to have that ripped effect.

Have fun and be creative! Be safe with the knife, please!

What's this?

You are currently reading DIY: Ombre Shorts at Chic for Cheap.


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